When we compare today’s () values with the last 7 days, average Dollar to Naira rate had a 9.39 points increase from ₦878.11 to ₦887.50 which corresponds to a 1.07% rise.ĭollar to Naira exchange rate in Nigeria black market is between ₦870 and ₦882 with an average of ₦876.00 today on, according to 2 buy rates shared by the users as comments. We used 0.018359 International Currency Exchange Rate.

So, youve converted 100 US Dollar to 5446.856 Ethiopian Birr. How much is 1 Dollar in Ethiopian Birr (Black Market) Get Todays Ethiopian Black Market exchange rate (USD/ETB) Black Market rexchange rate price is shown live 24/7 on our website Get Todays 1 US Dollar to Ethiopian Birr black market exchange rate. cannot guarantee correctness of the buy rates shared by users listed above.ĭollar to Naira exchange rate in Nigeria black market is between ₦880 and ₦895 with an average of ₦887.50 today on, according to 2 sell rates shared by the users as comments.įor the last 7 days, between and, Dollar to Naira black market sell rate took values between ₦860 and ₦895 with an average of ₦878.11. 100 US Dollar is 5446.856 Ethiopian Birr. Some buy rates extracted from the user comments on this page: Currency cannot guarantee correctness of the sell rates shared by users listed above. Some sell rates extracted from the user comments on this page: Currency Analyze historical currency charts or live Euro / Ethiopian birr rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email. However, things do not seem constant as Yosef said, when Addis Zeybe called him a week after, to ask him about the amount of dollar exchange rate in the parallel market he said it is fluctuated between 60 to 62 birr, while the dollar is exchanged between the official 44.9 to 45.1 in the official rate. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users listed here use this platform only for data purposes. cannot guarantee trustworthiness of the contacts listed here.